The girls from AS Brossard look forward to Gothia Cup Cancún
Most of the girls have played together since they were five years old and in January, they will participate at Gothia Cup Cancun.

The G14 team from AS Brossard, Canada, has been playing together since they were five years old, and the team is like a big extended family for the players and coaches. The coaches key to motivate the players is by challenging them with different projects, like participating in tournament, this way they do always have something to look forward to.
The girls love playing football and they work hard to get the results they want. They also get great support from their parents, who always are ready to follow the team.
The parents are always ready to follow every crazy idea the staff and I come up with to make the girls’ team experience a memorable one. - Coach Didier

They were looking for a tournament outside Canada and found out about Gothia Cup Cancun, and they have been preparing since the summer for the tournament in January. As part of the preparations, they recently participate at a local tournament, that they won.